Restore aerial images having low visibility using a lightweight algorithm with LVRNet
Remove haze in an image with detail-enhanced convolution and content-guided attention with DEA-Net
Complete point clouds with geometry-aware transformers with AdaPoinTr
Train object segmentation with only boxes by using transformers as mask auto-labeler with MAL
Survey of image noise removal using deep learning
Do many types of video segmentation with one model without retraining with TarViS
Detect known and unknown object by first localize and then identify with CAT
Improve crowd counting by varying the weight with Mask Focal Loss
Enhance blurry images with unknown turbulence without paired training data with TurbuGAN
Survey of human segmentation into parts using deep learning
Survey of 3D point cloud completion using deep learning
Estimate object size in the wild without camera calibration or handcrafted features with PMODE
Survey of self-supervised learning for videos
Better object orientation using self-supervision by learning textures with TexPose
Survey of face recognition
Improve object detection using object co-occurrence statistics with GPR
Better object segmentation using foreground learned with unlabeled images with C2AM
Survey of low-light image and video enhancement
Survey of graph neural networks in computer vision with architectures, datasets, common approaches
Survey of Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision