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Survey of video anomaly detection over past 10 years with Abdalla

Survey of video anomaly detection over past 10 years with Abdalla

Video Anomaly Detection in 10 Years: A Survey and Outlook

Video anomaly detection (VAD) holds immense importance across diverse domains such as surveillance, healthcare, and environmental monitoring.

While numerous surveys focus on conventional VAD methods, they often lack depth in exploring specific approaches and emerging trends.

This survey explores deep learning-based VAD, expanding beyond ... supervised training ... to encompass emerging weakly supervised, self-supervised, and unsupervised approaches.

... investigation of ... challenges within the VAD ... including large-scale datasets, features extraction, learning methods, loss functions, regularization, and anomaly score prediction.

Moreover, this review also investigates the vision language models (VLMs) as potent feature extractors for VAD.

VLMs integrate visual data with textual descriptions or spoken language from videos, enabling a nuanced understanding of scenes crucial for anomaly detection ...

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