Scene segmentation 7.3 times faster with 3D transformer using patch attention
Improve vision transformer by using anti-aliasing
Train object detectors using images synthesized from real unmarked images
Survey of training object detectors with limited data or unlabeled data
Recognizing actions without training using scene context with object recognition
Get foreground in image without user marking borders using 100x smaller model
Better image captioning and question answering using weakly supervised training
Find person in image gallery using text queries by leveraging larger libraries
Train 3D segmentation model using labeled 2D images and raw 3D data
Survey of deep learning to re-identify people seen by multiple cameras
Remove image banding artifacts with deep learning
State of AI Report 2021 (Benaich and Hogarth) (includes Computer Vision)
Kaggle 2021 survey on ML and Data Science
Image classifier explains features used and how to modify them to change output
Improved multi-object tracking by associating all detection boxes
Make images in-focus at every pixel with the dual-pixel cameras in smartphones
Improve road lane detection by using multiple images with neural networks
Identify human actions on objects and their locations after training on image captions
Neural networks to remove image flare
Enhance dim images and video using regions in zero-shot learning