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Better 3D object reconstruction with volume representations with SRDF

Better 3D object reconstruction with volume representations with SRDF

Multi-View Reconstruction using Signed Ray Distance Functions (SRDF)

arXiv paper abstract

... address the problem of multi-view 3D shape reconstruction.

While recent differentiable rendering approaches associated to implicit shape representations have provided breakthrough performance, they are still computationally heavy and often lack precision on the estimated geometries.

... investigate a new computational approach that builds on a novel shape representation that is volumetric, as in recent differentiable rendering approaches, but parameterized with depth maps to better materialize the shape surface.

... propose an implicit shape representation, the SRDF, based on signed distances which ... parameterize by depths along camera rays.

The associated shape energy considers the agreement between depth prediction consistency and photometric consistency, this at 3D locations within the volumetric representation.

... shows that it provides state-of-the-art results with respect to recent approaches with implicit shape representations as well as with respect to traditional multi-view stereo methods.

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