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Better object detection with few examples by get characteristics regardless of class with hANMCL

Better object detection with few examples by get characteristics regardless of class with hANMCL

Hierarchical Attention Network for Few-Shot Object Detection via Meta-Contrastive Learning

arXiv paper abstract

Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims to classify and detect few images of novel categories.

Existing meta-learning methods insufficiently exploit features between support and query images owing to structural limitations.

... propose a hierarchical attention network with sequentially large receptive fields to fully exploit the query and support images.

... meta-learning does not distinguish the categories well because it determines whether the support and query images match ... is ineffective because it does not work directly.

... propose a contrastive learning method called meta-contrastive learning, which directly helps achieve the purpose of the meta-learning strategy.

... establish a new state-of-the-art network, by realizing significant margins

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