Camera looking at blank wall can determine number of people and activity
Camera looking at blank wall can determine number of people and activity
What You Can Learn by Staring at a Blank Wall
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

We present a passive non-line-of-sight method that infers the number of people or activity of a person from the observation of a blank wall in an unknown room.
... analyzes complex imperceptible changes in indirect illumination in a video of the wall to reveal a signal that is correlated with motion in the hidden part of a scene.
... classify between zero, one, or two moving people, or the activity of a person in the hidden scene.
... train ... networks using data collected from 20 different scenes
.., achieve an accuracy of ~94% for both tasks in unseen test environments and real-time online settings.
... technique does not rely on known occluders or controllable light sources, and generalizes to unknown rooms with no re-calibration. ...
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