Complete point clouds with missing data by coarse to local method with SPCNet
Complete point clouds with missing data by coarse to local method with SPCNet
SPCNet: Stepwise Point Cloud Completion Network
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

... you repair a physical object with large missings ... first recover its global yet coarse shape and stepwise increase its local details.
... imitate the above physical repair procedure to address the point cloud completion task.
... propose a novel stepwise point cloud completion network (SPCNet) for various 3D models with large missings.
SPCNet has a hierarchical bottom-to-up network architecture.
... 1) first infers the global feature of the coarse result; 2) then infers the local feature with the aid of global feature; and 3) finally infers the detailed result with the help of local feature and coarse result.
... show the superiority of ... SPCNet over the state-of-the-art methods on 3D point clouds with large missings.
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