Correcting Face Distortion in Wide-Angle Videos
Correcting Face Distortion in Wide-Angle Videos
Correcting Face Distortion in Wide-Angle Videos
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

Video blogs and selfies are ... are often captured by wide-angle cameras to show human subjects and expanded background.
... due to perspective projection, faces near corners and edges exhibit apparent distortions that stretch and squish the facial features
... present a video warping algorithm to correct these distortions ... apply stereographic projection locally on the facial regions.
... formulate a mesh warp problem using spatial-temporal energy minimization and ... using a line-preservation term to maintain the straight edges in the background.
To address temporal coherency, we constrain the temporal smoothness on the warping meshes and facial trajectories through the latent variables.
... 83.9% of users prefer our algorithm over other alternatives based on perspective projection.
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