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Detect small 3D objects quickly and accurately using dynamic spatial pruning with DSPDet3D

Detect small 3D objects quickly and accurately using dynamic spatial pruning with DSPDet3D

DSPDet3D: Dynamic Spatial Pruning for 3D Small Object Detection

arXiv paper abstract

... propose a new detection framework for 3D small object detection ... current methods still struggle on small objects due to weak geometric information.

... find increasing the spatial resolution of the feature maps significantly boosts the performance of 3D small object detection.

... computational overhead increases ... with resolution ... the growth ... comes from the upsampling

... present a high-resolution multi-level detector with dynamic spatial pruning named DSPDet3D, which detects objects from large to small by iterative upsampling and meanwhile prunes the spatial representation of the scene at regions where there is no smaller object to be detected in higher resolution.

... detector only needs ... sparse bounding boxes, pruning ... uninformative features does not degrade the detection ... reduces ... cost of upsampling.

... while requiring ... less memory ... improves the detection performance of small objects to a new level while achieving leading inference speed ...

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