Get 3D shape and pose of moving object by moving camera by virtual camera, implicit neural with fmov
Get 3D shape and pose of moving object by moving camera by virtual camera, implicit neural with fmov
Free-Moving Object Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Virtual Camera
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper
Project page
... propose an approach for reconstructing free-moving object from a monocular RGB video.
Most existing methods either assume scene prior, hand pose prior, object category pose prior, or rely on local optimization with multiple sequence segments.
... propose a method that allows free interaction with the object in front of a moving camera without relying on any prior, and optimizes the sequence globally without any segments.
... progressively optimize the object shape and pose simultaneously based on an implicit neural representation.
A key aspect of ... method is a virtual camera system that reduces the search space of the optimization significantly.
... approach outperforms most methods significantly, and is on par with recent techniques that assume prior information.
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