Real-time face distance and iris track on mobile phone without depth sensor
Real-time face distance and iris track on mobile phone without depth sensor
MediaPipe Iris: Real-time Iris Tracking & Depth Estimation
MediaPipe on the Web
arXiv paper abstract
arXiv PDF paper

A wide range of real-world applications ... rely on estimating eye position by tracking the iris.
... show that it is possible to determine the metric distance from the camera to the user -- without the use of a dedicated depth sensor.
... announce the release of MediaPipe Iris ... able to track landmarks involving the iris, pupil and the eye contours using a single RGB camera, in real-time, without the need for specialized hardware.
... able to determine the metric distance between the subject and the camera with relative error less than 10% without the use of depth sensor.
... Thanks to ... implemented in MediaPipe ... can run on most modern mobile phones, desktops, laptops and even on the web.
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