Improve human motion estimate in video using physics with HUND+SO+GT+Dynamics
Explain image classifier by showing features in source and target domains with XSDA-Net
Enhance dark images in new untrained domain by simulating image pipeline for training
Classify small images accurately using little memory and CPU with ImageSig
Better object segmentation of unknown objects using region awareness with RAML
3D object reconstruction using a few views despite noisy camera poses with FvOR
Improve 3D object reconstruction using unsupervised learning on image collection with TARS
3D shape, segmentation, appearance, and object poses from images using neural fields with PNF
Better segment aerial photo by learning multi-resolution features with IFWM
Count crowds accurately even after add new domain with FLCB
Survey of surface reconstruction from point clouds
Get orientation of multiple objects in real-time with YOLOPose
Locate where in the world an image was taken with TransLocator
Track and segment occluded objects in video with occlusions-4d
Improved object orientation by doing keypoint correspondences iteratively with BD-PnP
Better weakly supervised object detection by using absolutely wrong data with NDI-WSOD
Highlight objects in image that need attention when driving with driver-gaze-yolov5
Convert nighttime infrared into daytime visible video with ROMA
Match an image taken at ground-level to an aerial photo with TransGCNN
Get orientation of object without an object model with Gen6D